
Banana & Strawberry Smoothie Bowl with Kiwi, Pomegranate & Chia Active +



  • 1 1/2 banana, frozen *cut them into chunks before freezing so that they blend easier
  • 1½ cups fresh or frozen strawberries
  • 120ml Unsweetened Coconut Milk or milk of choice




  • 1/2 banana sliced
  • 1 kiwi sliced
  • 1/4 pomegranate deseeded
  • 15g Chia Active +




  1. Combine frozen banana, strawberries, and coconut milk in a blender & blend until it is completely smooth – the mixture should be thick. Add a little more liquid if necessary to get it to blend completely smooth.
  2. Transfer to a bowl and add fresh banana, strawberries, pomegranate, kiwi and sprinkle with chia seeds.
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